Monday, December 11, 2006


In post-conflict situations, cultural diversity, when recognized and put into practice through actions in the related areas of heritage and creativity, brings renewed value to life and becomes a positive force in support of dialogue, mutual understanding, reconciliation, social stability and reconstruction. In addition to providing international coordination mechanisms and enhancing the application of normative tools for the protection of cultural heritage, UNESCO has implemented numerous projects for rehabilitation and safeguarding.

Emergency assessment and early recovery support: In Lebanon

Mediation and reconstruction: Exemplary initiatives

Training of cultural professionals: In Cambodia, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Sudan

Protecting archaeological sites: Angkor, Bamiyan and Jam

Rehabilitating historic buildings: Mostar monuments, Iraq National Museum in Baghdad, museums in Kabul , Ghazni and Khartum

Conserving European multi-ethnic heritage: In Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia

The fight against illicit traffic of cultural property: Training in Cambodia and Iraq

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